As THE Ridemaster, my WISHES are your COMMANDS, so I'm just going to start wishing... And then, you can start ABIDING ASAP!


I don't have any brilliant ideas for Sunday. And I just got my car detailed so I don't really want to drive it to the mountains.  So somebody suggest something--the earlier we get this settled the better.


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marc's picture


It's beyond my capabilities

alan's picture

It's beyond my capabilities to get involved with such an important decision. The purpose of this website is expressly for the purpose of giving the RM a vehicle for his decisions, thoughts and Fatwahs, but we already know that.

Surely the Ridemaster's

Pedro2's picture

Surely the Ridemaster's website has been hacked. The Ridemaster would never give up a chance to ride in our mountains. Perhaps the detailer people have kidnapped the Ridemaster, stolen his car and hacked his website. Will we ever know the answer ?

Well...clean car or not...I

Julie's picture

Well...clean car or not...I heard from some folks that hiked Laguna Meadows on Thurs. They said there was still a lot of snow, and the trails not under snow were very muddy.  So I think that rules out Laguan, Cuyamaca and maybe Morena.

Daley Ranch ?    Or Sycamore ?...SlaughtCar to the turn off up the painful switchbacks ...then ridge riding over to the top of Rebel Run.  Down the switchbacks off Rebel Run...but instead of doing the rocky technical route, take the L turn up to where High Anxiety comes out...and ride up High Anxiety.  From the trail exit,  you access CandyGram down to the fireroad that gets you to the 4 switchbacks up to the top of Blazing Saddles...then DOWN DOWN DOWN.

Sounds like someone,

bikerfox's picture

Sounds like someone, somewhere will make a decision--don't worry, Marc.

I'm not around today/tomorrow, so have fun without me.

How can you trust my

Julie's picture

How can you trust my suggestions after Mr Toads ?????

See you at 8:30

Have Treg will travel...

E's picture

Fatwahs or no fatwahs, I'm willing to drive my new Treg up to the mountains if everyone is interested in heading up there.  I'm ironically having it (and Lisa's car) detailed tomorrow afternoon, so it can get  plenty messed up beforehand.  I'd be able to handle up to 4 w/ bikes (including my own).  It was my intent to go up there regardless, so let me know if there's interest in creating a convoy...  Edwin




OKay, I just read Jerry's

E's picture

OKay, I just read Jerry's post and he's absolutely spot on.  The weather will be beautiful, but the mud from the snow will be no fun.  Maybe I'll see you folks at Santee tomorrow.  50/50 on that...  Either way, happy riding.  :)

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