As you've noticed, it's a lot cooler this weekend than last. But since the rain that was previously in the forecast for Sunday has disappeared, it may be safe to venture out with an extra layer for warmth. It looks like Santee may be the warmest option, with a high of 61 degrees. Reiner and Christine are in Utah skiing, but does anyone who is in town want to ride? I suspect that Teale, Sebastian, and I will ride regardless, but it's always nice to have some company!
Please let me know.
Let me know the time and I'll
Let me know the time and I'll see if I can fit it into my schedule...
I'll ride
I'll ride
What Alan said.
What Alan said.
Sorry about the missing time.
Sorry about the missing time. Let's start at 9:00. See you all there.
Some weather forecasts are
Some weather forecasts are predicting rain tomorrow and others are not. How unusual is that?