As THE Ridemaster, my WISHES are your COMMANDS, so I'm just going to start wishing... And then, you can start ABIDING ASAP!


I'll be out of town for our rides this week, so I'm hoping someone can help bring the group to consensus around these rides.

Julie has agreed to try and organize the Thursday and Sunday rides, so please give her more respect and constuctive responses than you show me.

See you next week,


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marc's picture


Marc--you know we love you

bikerfox's picture

Marc--you know we love you dearly!

Julie--I'm game for a ride on Thursday. Any time 3:30 PM + is good for me. Can't wait to hear of your Sat. exploits.

There is although it would be

alan's picture

There is although it would be an "adventure ride" since I haven't done it in 3 or 4 years but know there are people like Phil Ferrari who ride it regularly ....ANd at the moment I probably could and should take a couple hours to do it but I'm taking the first flight out Friday for NYC so I'm not totally positive I'll have everything done and be ready to go...

If you can lead us...we will

Julie's picture

If you can lead us...we will come....

You will be glad you did it when you are sitting on the plane !

OK Steve...since Alan looks

Julie's picture

OK Steve...since Alan looks unsure, and Jeff wants to ride too, let's ride Oak-Spring Thurs evening (start around 4) and save Black Mountain Adventure for Sunday. Mountain Bike Bill has a lot of information on it on his website

UPDATE: I hope people are

Julie's picture

UPDATE: I hope people are still checking the blog ! Looks like 4:30 works best for Steve so let's start then...Oak Spring

Jeff, Steve and I plan an

Julie's picture

Jeff, Steve and I plan an exploration of Black Mountain this Sunday...starting at 8:30 cuz Jeff will have just come off of 2 days working. I'm working on a route...relying heavily on the site...and it might suck but at least it will be an adventure ! Further information and start location to follow....

Pete and I are standing by

jerry's picture

Pete and I are standing by for Sunday. Sounds like an adventure. Please specify where and when to meet!

OK this sounds like a good

Julie's picture

OK this sounds like a good place to start..From I-15 or I-5, you can take Hwy. 56 to Black Mountain Road and head north. Go straight through the light at Carmel Mountain Road and turn right on Oviedo Street and then right again on Oviedo Way. Proceed to the top of the hill and park at Hilltop Community Park.

From there we should be able to easily access the main fireroad to the top, and the trails that branch off it.

See you at 8:30 !

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