Although stictly prohibited by Ridemaster-issued Fatwahs that are in force when the RM is on the continent, the lackeys at RM services are temporarily taking control since the RM has jumped over the pond on his worldwide "most interesting man in the world" tour. No doubt you can follow him on the BBC if you are interested. Furthermore, the RM lackeys have determined the RM citizens need to be able to focus on one thing at a time and exceeding this limit tends to cause great confusion and disasterous results. Given the forecast for high winds, and the lack of qualified RM citizens in a 50 mile radius, the RM lackeys have further determined that a road ride along the coast/RSF would be what a more than slightly inebriated RM would want if he were on the continent. So a road ride meeting someplace probably in Carmel valley starting perhaps at 8:30 but perhaps moved earlier will be determined in the discourse below... Please discourse....
Sunday Ride- May 29th, 2011

Road ride will begin at Ravad
Road ride will begin at Ravad home at 8:30