Bad News: I have a dinner on Thursday night and can't ride.
Good news: I am off Friday and would love to do a morning ride.
So, please respond:
--Can you ride Thursday and if so, where do you want to ride?
--Anyone want to ride Friday morning?
I can ride Friday AM.
I can ride Friday AM.
Its going to be warm again
Its going to be warm again tomorrow. If you have a place you'd like to ride, let me know. I would like to start at 7:30 or 8:00am.
How about D-Back or the trail
How about D-Back or the trail up to Slaught Car (but not necessarily UP Slaught Car) for a change of scenery ?
7:30 works for me
That sounds fine. Want to
That sounds fine. Want to park at West Hills park or at the dead end (gated) street?
Just let me know and I'll see you at the location you prefer at 7:30.
Let's park at the dead end
Let's park at the dead end/gate street since we won't be involving Spring Oak (and, of course, there IS a PortaPotty !)