I'm suggesting we do one of our Santee rides this Thursday, either Oak/Spring Canyon or Sycamore Canyon. Anyone who has a preference can suggest the one they prefer. In the event of a tie, or worse yet no suggestions, I'll post a final ride plan Thursday morning.
Start will be at 4:30pm.
This location will allow us to attend a short sports nutrition session presented Jerry Marino at Filippi's afterward. His talk will be titled, "Why light cheese pizza results in better power to the pedals."
Sounds fascinating, and you'd better believe I'll be there! (even if I have to drink a lot of beer to get through the presentation)
Hope you can join us.
No real preference although a
No real preference although a slight desire to see if I can make those stairs twice in a row at Sycamore. As for the presentation afterwards, I hope to get to Filippis early to down a pitcher and order my double cheese pepperoni and sausage pizza so I can suitably heckle the speaker with my usual classy and respectful comments. One has to be primed for such occasions.
Have out of town guests over
Have out of town guests over for din din (Pat & Frant Curtiss, former neighbors). Have to miss the sure to be scintillating nutrition session by the noted health freak, Mr. Marino. won't miss the light cheese though.....
We may use the McFats for a
We may use the McFats for a visual aid...I like the motto "Massive food for massive people...or people who aspire to massiveness"
I'll be riding wherever...and
I'll be riding wherever...and Jeff will ride too...AND
eat pizza.
I'm good with either SYC or OAK
Let's do the "Jeff Cooper"
Let's do the "Jeff Cooper" version of Oak/Spring canyon at 4:30. See you at the dirt parking lot off the Mast Exit in Santee.
Great jp
Great jp