The group from the Camino de Santiago is back, wiser and stronger than ever! I would like to ride tomorrow, but we should probably keep it kinda short for those who have some NOT Fathers Day celebration to attend. So I was thinking we could just ride at Fanita Parkway tomorrow. We could even start at 8:00 if that helps people join in.
Please respond if you plan to ride and if you have a starting time preference
Long Live the Gastro
Long Live the Gastro-Ridemaster who did his Ridemasterly duties to perfection (exept for a few notable exceptions with dead-end roads, but done strategically so he'd have room inside for his Gastro-adventures on particular days) in Northern Spain. 8 or 8:30 is fine with me.
I believe that Father's day
I believe that Father's day is next Sunday, the 18th. I plan to ride tomorrow. See you there.
Fanita it is
Checked on Father’s Day - Pete is correct, it’s on 6/18. 8:30 would be our preference. See you guys tomorrow! And welcome back to the globe trotters.
So Father’s Week ! I’ll do
So Father’s Week ! I’ll do a separate ride on regular bike if I can remember how…see you there 8 or 8:30 OK
Remember its his first
Remember its his first weekend back and every Sunday is Father's Day at the RM compound, he just got a little mixed up that we're only aware of one of them, the one next week.
What’s a week? Now I have no
What’s a week? Now I have no idea where I got the Fathers Day thing, but I was pretty certain about it! Anyone else would be forced to resign as RideMaster, but not me!
See you at 8:30.
Cant make it tomorrow. Enjoy.
Cant make it tomorrow. Enjoy.